Sometimes it's easy to love pulling into our garage and our endless California coast, and then sometimes a favorite Easterner pays you a visit and the whole record scratches, and you pine for one more date back on the suddenly charming as hell in your memory Atlantic Ave.
A shot of Montero's for you then, where you better hope no one knows your name. Someday we'll clank Buds, eat chips and hit the 8 ball too soon again.
I effing miss you, and you all know who you are!!!
Brooklyn Rooftop Gardening
Here is the gorgeously lush potted garden one might stumble upon while sipping one's cocktail on the roof, just taking in the skyline across the river. Giant Kong Coleus, sweet potato vine, and the best touch-- the upcylced lobsterman's rope mat at the door. Just what this Maine-on-my-mind New Yorker needs.
Horseshoe Trail Road
Wherein not every house but most looks like this, has actual greener grass, a smell of Russian Olive wafting through the air, and a badminton court in the glen. Ah, #lifeinthecountry
Anna and Sten's
Our great friends Anna and Sten have a fantastically spare and practical weekend house in Greenport LI that feels simultaneously full of everything you'd like to gaze upon and yet empty of clutter, which I'd say is the state I aspire to. What's best is that it's a collection of the things they carried, from Sydney and Nigeria, and the Midwest too. Everything started out somewhere else but somehow looks like it was meant to be together. Guess that's just like them.....